Democo Group gathers the expertise of more than 800 employees and 7 companies specialising in Development, Construction, Installation and Maintenance.

The Value Builders

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Meanwhile at Democo

Primer: first Belgian residential project ever delivered without work points

Meanwhile at Democo

An update on our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions

Whistleblower report

Whistleblower policy

This policy is designed to enable employees and third parties to report (suspected) serious misconduct and/or irregularities. This page explains the purpose of the policy, who are covered by it, the kind of reports that can be made and how such reporting is done, and the safeguards that exist for the reporter as well the person under investigation.

Our policy aims to enable employees and third parties to report (suspected) serious misconduct and/or irregularities. In this way, Democo Group promotes a culture of openness and responsibility. Democo Group expects all employees to conduct themselves in conformity with our core values and policies, and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Our policy describes how employees and third parties can confidentially raise concerns without fear of reprisal.

Scope of application
This policy shall apply to all employees working under an employment or service contract, as well as to all possible third parties who have a relationship with Democo Group NV, including with its current and future Construction, Techniques and Project Development business units. The Democo Group currently comprises the following companies: Democo NV, Democo Group NV, CIRIL NV, Deholi NV, Vandenbriele NV, AEW NV, AEW Security BV and Demtec Services NV.

Misconduct or irregularities
This policy makes a distinction between social and business integrity. Social integrity relates to undesirable behaviour, while business integrity is concerned with confidential information, equipment and goods, safety, environment, health and contacts with customers and suppliers, among others. Reports of social integrity violations shall preferably be made in accordance with the Policy on Transgressive Behaviour in the Workplace. Reports of (alleged) business integrity violations may be addressed to the Integrity Officer.

Submitting reports
Reports of (alleged) business integrity violations may be addressed to the Integrity Officer by email, letter or telephone, or via the online platform IntegrityLog. The online platform is accessible 24/7 and can be used anonymously. However, anonymous reports must contain sufficient details in order to be taken up for consideration. A report may also be made to the Federal Ombudsman, for example in case there has been no response to an internal report or in case there is an imminent or clear danger to the public interest. Evidence, documents, references, photographs or other relevant information will help each entity to handle a report more efficiently.

Integrity Officer:
Name: Sarah Van Heghe
Telephone: +32 11 22 45 26 or +32 498 49 55 36
Address: Herkenrodesingel 4b, 3500 HASSELT

Fill in this form

Federal Ombudsman:
Address: Leuvenseweg 48/6, 1000 BRUSSELS
Telephone: 0800 99 961 

Safeguards for the reporter
Reports shall be treated confidentially and information solely shared on a need-to-know basis. All personal data shall only be used in accordance with Democo Group’s GDPR policy. Democo Group encourages the reporting of possible misconduct or irregularities without any adverse consequences for the reporter. Reprisals shall be considered to be a serious violation of the policy.

Safeguards for the subject of the investigation
The person under investigation is also entitled to protection and will be informed within a reasonable time, unless this would compromise the investigation. Information shall be kept confidential and shared with a limited number of people on a strict need-to-know basis. The person under investigation shall have the right to respond to allegations and may appeal against adverse findings or decisions.


Reporting (suspected) unethical or wrongful behaviour is extremely important for the integrity and reputation of Democo Group and contributes to a culture of openness and accountability. We encourage everyone to report any concerns or worries through the channels that we have provided. We are committed to treating reports seriously and carefully and to respecting confidentiality. Together, we ensure a safe and ethical working environment for all our employees and third parties.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Integrity Officer.

Meanwhile at Democo

AG Real Estate acquires 'Hangar M' from Democo and Avico Asset Management

Looking for a sustainable construction partner?

End-of-life - dg - duurzaamheid

Bouwmaterialen hebben een steeds sterkere impact op de bouwkost én op het milieu. Daarom werken we bij Ciril actief samen met onze architecten en aannemers om te zoeken naar oplossingen om materialen te recupereren, te hergebruiken, te herbestemmen of te recycleren.

Voor ieder project onderzoeken we de mogelijkheden van een specifieke locatie en kiezen vervolgens bewust voor nieuwbouw, renovatie, of een combinatie van beide. Bij afbraakwerken om iets nieuws op te bouwen, nemen we samen met de aannemer de tijd om te onderzoeken welke materialen en structuren we een nieuw leven kunnen geven. We slagen er op deze manier steeds vaker in om afbraakmateriaal tot grondstof te maken.

Construction waste becomes building material

9,000 m² of flooring and insulation gets a second life

On Jules Bordet Avenue in Evere, Ciril is transforming an old office complex into an eco-friendly residential complex for 80 families: 'Le Jules'. But instead of demolishing the building, Democo carefully recovered thousands of square meters of ceiling tiles, wall insulation, raised computer floors, and carpet tiles, as well as dozens of lighting fixtures, for reuse in new construction projects.

Several tons of wood, glass, gypsum, metals, cabling, and rubble are also meticulously sorted to be made into new building materials. For Le Jules itself, dozens of fixtures are recovered to illuminate 1,000 m² of parking. All materials are also re-tested for strength and fire safety before they are reused!

“Samen met Ciril werken we momenteel onze onderhoudsservice verder uit. We merken dat er steeds meer vraag is na de afwerking van projecten naar onderhoud en herstelling met kennis van zaken.

Door een continue onderhoudsservice aan te bieden, vermijden we heel wat onnodige defecten en slijtage. Zowel de levenskwaliteit van de bewoners als de duurzaamheid van de installaties gaat erop vooruit. Wat niet stuk gaat, hoeft niet vervangen te worden.”

Patrick, technieker Demtec Services

Gebruiksfase - dg - duurzaamheid

Door de specifieke focus van Ciril op binnenstedelijke ontwikkelingen met aandacht voor stadsdiversiteit, groen en duurzame mobiliteit, hebben onze projecten tijdens hun leven een minimale energie-impact op de planeet – en een positieve impact op de stad.

Tijdens de gebruiksfase kunnen onze bewoners genieten van een lagere energie-factuur en profiteren omwonenden veelal mee van extra groen en nieuwe voorzieningen vlakbij. Door in te zetten op kwalitatieve ontwikkelingen, zowel in ontwerp als in materialen en bouwkwaliteit, houden we de gebruiksfase zo lang mogelijk.

Levensverlengend onderhoud

Bouwen én onderhouden

“Samen met Ciril werken we momenteel onze onderhoudsservice verder uit. We merken dat er steeds meer vraag is na de afwerking van projecten naar onderhoud en herstelling met kennis van zaken.

Door een continue onderhoudsservice aan te bieden, vermijden we heel wat onnodige defecten en slijtage. Zowel de levenskwaliteit van de bewoners als de duurzaamheid van de installaties gaat erop vooruit. Wat niet stuk gaat, hoeft niet vervangen te worden.”

Patrick, technieker Demtec Services

“Kleine beslissingen in het ontwikkelingsproces maken een groot verschil voor toekomstige mogelijkheden. We houden van bij het ontwerpen en tijdens de bouwfase rekening met de demonteerbaarheid van de materialen. Verschillende technieken lijken nu hetzelfde resultaat te hebben, maar hebben een andere impact op de toekomst van het gebouw en de materialen.

Sustainable Core Values

We have integrated our responsibility and sustainable ambitions into the core values of our company. As a group of experts, it's part of our mission to build value, both for our planet and our communities.

  • Customer as a partner: Earning trust through continuous dialogue to build.
  • Beyond quality: Challenging ourselves and each other to consistently exceed expectations and work with utmost care.
  • Connection: Achieving results as one committed team, crossing the boundaries of our individual companies.
  • Integrity: We say what we do, do what we say, and always act honestly, genuinely, and correctly.
  • Sustainability: We build value for today and tomorrow, ensuring our societal responsibility.