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Contact us

Do you have a property or land available for development? Learn more about how we can collaborate.

Looking for a new home or a piece of property to invest in? Or maybe you’ve spotted an opportunity in your city for better living, working or relaxing? Would you like to be the first to know of Ciril’s new projects? Let us know! We’ll get in touch with you soon.

For questions regarding sponsorship or support, you can go here.

Ciril contactform

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Our address

Herkenrodesingel 4b
3500 Hasselt, Belgium
T +32 11 859 713


Gentplaats 20
2000 Antwerp, Belgium
T +32 3 844 35 40


Fernand Demetskaai 23
1070 Anderlecht, Belgium
T +32 2 333 84 00


Kortrijksesteenweg 1095A
9051 Ghent, Belgium
T +32 9 274 24 00


WeWork Hotel Europejski
5th floor
Krakowskie Przedmieście 13
05-077 Warszawa

Siedziba firmy:
Ulica Chorągwi Pancernej 43
02-951 Warszawa