Developer of real estate projects for living, working and relaxing, reinvigorating the cities of today for tomorrow.

Ciril also has a branch in Poland (Ciril Poland)


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With people

Democo Group once again named a 'Great Place to Work'

Let's get in touch!

Do you have a property or plot that meets our criteria? Don't wait any longer. With 30 years of expertise and a focus on sustainability and value creation, your property is in good hands with Ciril. Contact us directly to discuss the possibilities.

Call our head office at 011/85.97.13
Or fill out the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.


CIRIL (pandofgrond form)

Fill in your contact details here:
Brief description of the opportunity you would like to discuss with us*:

Why sell to Ciril?

At Ciril we offer you various options to sell or collaborate, from purchasing outright to just te building rights or even property exchanges. We always tailor our proposals to meet your specific situation. And we have a lot to offer!



Location and size


  • We focus on urban areas or locations connected to the outskirts of a city in Flanders and Brussels.
  • Our interests lie in projects with a significant development potential and volume , but every property offers possibilities. We'd like to explore them with you!
  • We're not deterred by challenges and are also interested in complex and mixed developments.

What we're looking for


Are you the owner of a plot, a vacant office building, or perhaps even a former factory? If it's in an urban context in Flanders or Brussels, we'd like to hear more. We're always searching for:

  • Properties for repurposing: Old or underused school buildings, offices, hospitals, factories, or warehouses... we're eager to explore their redevelopment potential! We're also interested in architecturally significant properties.
  • Plots: fallow land, brownfields, or large demolition sites within or adjacent to urban areas.

At Ciril, we're always searching for new locations to create valuable and sustainable urban developments. For over 30 years, we've been giving neighborhoods and urban areas new opportunities for the future.

Nathalie Bisschops, Acquisition & Sales Director


Liantis and UNIZO celebrate their move into brand new offices in Hasselt