Deholi and Ciril Show Their Commitment to Sustainability

In recent years, both Deholi and Ciril have fully committed themselves to a sustainable future. This dedication was recently recognized by Voka, as both companies received two remarkable distinctions. Deholi and Ciril have been named laureates of the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO) 2024. This recognition puts our colleagues on the path to earning, respectively, an 'SDG Pioneer' label and an 'SDG Champion' label. SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals, the sustainability objectives set by the United Nations.

Voka's Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
or several years, the employers' organization Voka has been offering the Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO). This initiative helps companies define, achieve, and maintain sustainability goals. Participants undergo a rigorous evaluation and commit to undertaking concrete actions annually that contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Deholi on the Path to Becoming an SDG Pioneer
In recent months, our sister company Deholi has made significant efforts by organizing training sessions on sustainability, conducting materiality and stakeholder analyses, and taking concrete actions such as using paper stretch film and reusing extracted air for heating in the winter. Additionally, Deholi has established several alliances with partners. For example, Deholi now collaborates with Unilin to process wood waste into new boards. This collaboration alone has resulted in a savings of 13 tons of CO2. The efforts of our colleagues have not gone unnoticed, and Voka has named Deholi a VCDO laureate for 2024. As a result, the company is eligible to receive the highly coveted SDG Pioneer label from the United Nations later this year.

Ciril on the Path to Becoming an SDG Champion
Our colleagues at Ciril have also demonstrated their commitment to sustainability. The project developer had already earned an SDG Pioneer label and made further significant progress through structural changes and innovations in products, services, and processes that have a lasting impact. Many concrete actions have been implemented, ranging from reducing the use of concrete and asphalt, increasing the share of renewable energy, and optimizing the use of roofs in projects, to enhancing biodiversity. The results achieved by our colleagues were recently met with applause, and Ciril, too, has been named a VCDO laureate for 2024, making it eligible to officially call itself an SDG Champion in the near future.