A year full of value: Stronger together

We are constantly working on building a stronger company, where everyone can work and live with joy. In 2019 we made this very tangible under the heading "Stronger Together": every month, we came up with smart actions and improvements based on the feedback we received from our Great Place To Work survey. We presented these improvements to our employees through posters, screens and Intweets.

Living Together

Health, leisure and sports, hand in hand with top performance at your job. We aimed for more openness, insight, movement and ownership. We also provided a renewed sports program, presented the DemoGO ambassadors and new tools and learning initiatives at Democollege.

Growing Together

More joy in your job, more confidence and new skills. We made building yourself and your career a lot easier, focusing on resilience, leadership and collaboration: we presented the Build with Joy program, new courses within the Grow and Lead programs and stronger collaborations.

Smarter Together

Working smarter with a boost for efficiency and organization: we set everyone up for greater performance. In 2019, we set out the lines for a stronger organization with a clear vision, new organizational charts and a refocused strategy. With new tools for better working standards and the introduction of Outlook, Office and Sharepoint, we also started to work smarter digitally.

Better Together

We introduced a lot of small and larger improvements. Not only for more quality and safety - but also just for working more pleasantly. With 360 ° feedback, structured follow-up talks and an improved performance process, we took a leap forward internally. Through our Net Promoter Score, we also improved our services externally.

We are convinced that today we are smarter, better & stronger together. In 2020, we will organize the GPTW-survey again. We know that together, we can go from good to excellent.