
A project developer develops untapped potential. We recognise opportunities, appreciate their value and work on planning, developing, and returning them to the city. We envision opportunities for a nicer neighbourhood, more affordable living, green space and space to breathe - and we bring them to life.

Ciril has over 30 years of experience in project development. All that time, we have been providing neighbourhoods and city districts with new opportunities for the future. We look for ways to improve how people live, work and relax via different types of real estate in mixed developments with a focus on reinvigorating city centres, and always tailored to the city or municipality concerned. We add what is missing and remove what is redundant. Our first step? Talking to the people and asking them what we can improve. We are always on the lookout for new opportunities.




Living in the city means having a place to call your own, while being closely connected to others and nearby all facilities and services. We put housing at the very core of our urban developments.

Ciril develops high quality housing for people in urban environments. From the get-go, we consider our residents to be our partners: this is the only way to achieve results that respond to what the local marketplace requires, making sure we offer the right mix of housing types and ideal living area layouts. In one neighbourhood, people might consider a central square with lots of green and a space to safely store their bicycle a top priority, while in another, people may prefer a communal vegetable garden to grow their own produce. That is why we figure this out together.



An enjoyable place of work enables people to take more pleasure in what they do and to get more work done. And the closer by you are able to live, shop, work and relax, the better for the environment and for you.

Ciril also develops office spaces, practice spaces and administrative buildings. We don’t do copy-pasted office cubicles: we know that every company has its own specific requirements for its employees. We happily contribute to fresh ideas around work and a vision for workplaces equipped for the future. Maybe an office building needs to allow for later conversion into flats? Or is your company looking for the opposite: a working environment in an attractive old building, or inside a brand-new residential project? We develop the workplace of tomorrow – with you.



Relaxing is something deeply personal. To some it’s a stroll in the park, to others a stolen moment of exercise or a spot of retail therapy – and perhaps a drink on the terrace after?

Ciril develops places in the city designed for living, working and relaxing. By involving commercial spaces into our developments, we ensure that our projects are aligned with the urban fabric and the requirements of its citizens. Quieter neighbourhoods prefer more greenery, vibrant streets in the centre love coffee bars and shopping opportunities. Ciril joins forces with all stakeholders to make sure this urban vision is built to a human scale, and a pleasant one at that.



How do people like to live? What would cities like to offer? And how can we make sure those solutions are affordable enough for people to actually live in them? According to Ciril, the future is urban – leaving plenty of space in and outside cities for green and a healthy ecological balance. Solutions with an eye for mobility, humanity and quality of life are an integral part of our urban offer.

Ciril keeps the broader picture in mind: in collaboration with governing bodies and private partners, we think beyond just the building that needs developing, because this building in turn has an impact on its street, its neighbourhood, perhaps even the city. Some structures help to define the cityscape, while others fill in gaps or replace certain parts, so that cities can keep evolving together with their residents. One project at a time, Ciril tackles the cities of tomorrow.



In the late 90’s, Ciril helped shape Belgium’s very first public-private partnership project, through the makeover of Genk’s city square. Today we have almost 20 years of experience with PPP projects in Flanders and Brussels.

Every administration has its own vision of the future for its city or municipality. Yet in between dream and reality, cities often face a great deal of practical concerns. Affordability for instance, a sufficiently broad support base, adequate public participation and transparency… It’s not always a straightforward task for today’s cities to turn essential urban renewal projects into reality. A healthy mix of functionalities injects oxygen into the urban fibre – yet getting local residents, traders, organisations and neighbourhood committees to align and see eye to eye, requires a very specific approach.

Ciril is a seasoned city partner with plenty of expertise, understanding the extents of governing bodies’ political and societal needs. Our approach is one of tailored teamwork: from initial vision to financing, from development to realisation.



A city takes care of all of its residents: poor and rich, young and old, always paying extra attention to those in need of help or care. Through care homes, service centres, social housing or residential care centres, we contribute to that support.

Ciril has built up substantial expertise in real estate development tailored to specific target audiences: our residential care centres and social housing projects are integrated solutions aimed at assisting cities to make sure comfortable living is accessible to all. Together with investors, governing bodies and administrators, we develop bespoke projects designed to rapidly boost the city’s housing policy in a very tangible and sustainable way.


Got a property or plot for sale?
Find out how we can make your location a success!


Our trade is to upgrade: to value that which is undervalued - not on some virtual stock market, but simply in your street and in your town. For 30 years, our family business has been loyal to this approach, keeping our feet firmly on the ground, creating tangible added value for cities.

We invest just like you. We consider our options carefully, make smart decisions and from time to time take a calculated risk. But we also go the extra mile: we negotiate, mediate, consult, inform, and create a support base for our investments. We do this together with governments, other businesses and with people just like you.

What are you invested in?

Investeren in leefkwaliteit
We geloven dat leefkwaliteit – bij wonen én werken - begint met ruimte en licht. Infrastructuur en voorzieningen vlakbij maken het dagelijkse leven aangenamer. Daarnaast werkt Ciril samen met een netwerk van dienstenpartners die zorgen voor leefcomfort op maat.

Investeren in architecturale kwaliteit
Ciril werkt enkel met architecten en ingenieurs die onze visie delen: onze gebouwen vinden hun plaats in de stad dankzij perfect geïntegreerde architectuur op maat van de omgeving, met extra aandacht voor energie, akoestiek en materiaalgebruik.

Investeren in omgevingskwaliteit
Locatie, locatie, locatie. Onze ontwikkelingen zijn een meerwaarde voor de omgeving: wijken worden opgewaardeerd of bevestigd in hun waarde. Door onze geïntegreerde aanpak wordt de locatie groener, slimmer ingedeeld en beter verbonden.

Investeren in duurzaamheid is meer dan ecologie alleen: mobiliteit, maatschappelijke kwaliteit, sociale en economische factoren dragen allemaal bij tot een geïntegreerd duurzaam project – en tot het rendement.

Ciril analyseert projectlocaties met een verrekijker én een vergrootglas. Hoe is de ligging? Welke mobiliteitsvoorzieningen zijn er? Is er groen vlakbij – of mogelijk? Kunnen we bouwen met een compacte terreininname voor meer open ruimte? Hoe functioneert de wijk: hoe betrekken we hen van bij de start? Welke vorm van hernieuwbare energie of Internet of Things integreren we zodat onze bewoners meer comfortabel en zuiniger kunnen leven?

Transparantie en communicatie zijn een investering: zonder raakt een ontwikkelingsproject immers niet van de grond – en dreigt uw en onze investering vast te lopen.

Ciril organiseert buurtinformatie-evenementen en gaat vooraf uitvoerig praten met publieke partners en private stakeholders. We vragen wat er nodig is en wat we kunnen toevoegen. Die informatie verwerken we mee bij de opmaak van onze plannen en ontwerpen, ver voor het indienen van de bouwaanvraag. We houden onze oren en ogen open tijdens het hele traject – klaar om te onderhandelen, te informeren of te overtuigen. Ook bij de start van de bouwwerken communiceren we tijdig over hoe de werken zullen verlopen en onze minder hinder maatregelen. Proactieve communicatie met de buurt zorgt voor een duurzame samenwerking en tevreden partners. Hoe breder het draagvlak, hoe sneller we klaar zijn. 

Investeren is opportuniteiten herkennen en daaruit meerwaarde verwezenlijken. Voor Ciril is dat maatschappelijke meerwaarde (voor de stad en de bewoners) én financiële meerwaarde voor onze partners, investeerders en klanten.

Meerwaarde op lange termijn kan alleen met degelijke, betrouwbare en integere partners. Dat betekent ook samen nadenken op de lange termijn: van project tot project, maar ook over de projecten heen. Ciril gelooft dat er ook in de vastgoedsector nog grote evoluties aankomen. Verse grond verkavelen is geen toekomstgerichte aanpak. Onze steden klaar maken voor de toekomst wel. En kopen uw kleinkinderen nog grond of een flexibel vastgoedcertificaat? We denken in meerwaarde vooruit.