Construction company and general contractor for any type of project, from structural work to finished product, from new build to renovation.

Democo also has a branche in Poland (Democo Poland).



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Building Information Modeling or BIM is the superlative degree to 3D design. This digital design system unites enormous amounts of information coming from a variety of parties into one single interactive model.

As a contractor, we already have a lot of experience working according to the BIM methodology. At Democo, a BIM manager and a BIM designer manage these processes, ensuring we can enter any BIM trajectory without any issues. For our own construction teams, we involve BIM from the very start to benefit from it as much as possible.


Working together

Without collaboration, building is impossible. At Democo, this sense of collaboration is in our DNA: we belong to a group of collaborating companies which together are able to take care of all construction phases, from development to finishing and maintenance.

As a contractor, our job is to hire the right partners and suppliers for their expertise on site: together with our people, it is them who ensure flawless results. And of course, everything starts with our client collaborations: every construction project is an implementation of a customer’s vision and wishes. When we work together with governments we speak of public-private partnerships (PPP’s), a specific field of expertise for Democo.



Restoring existing buildings to their former glory, giving them a new purpose - or realigning them with energy regulations are popular ways of introducing increased levels of sustainability. But renovating and to restoring often also means bearing in mind unforeseen circumstances.

Thanks to our extensive experience in complex renovation projects, we can respond proactively to avoid unforeseen costs and loss of time. This requires professional knowledge, adaptability and creativity. From restoring protected buildings to renovating office buildings or converting an old brewery into a hotel: Democo provides old buildings with the care they deserve, worry-free.



Design, Build, Finance, Maintain: DBFM is the total package in the field of construction. In other words, we design, build, finance, and/or maintain entirely according to the customer’s wishes. What is more, our specialists offer this approach on a bespoke basis: maybe you are only looking for DB, DBF, or DBM?

Today, our DBFM department is at the very heart of our construction team collaborations. After all, without teamwork it’s impossible to get anything built. Our team of DBFM and sustainability managers, legal specialists and BIM designers works together with architects, research agencies and other specialists to deliver the best possible results.



We build starting from a vision of integrated sustainability. Not just to meet legal standards, but also for our people and for our planet. That means that we push the bar a lot further than we are legally obliged to do.

Democo builds with respect for the environment, water, accessibility, materials and energy, based on our Green Desk principles. We focus on a self-sufficient construction site, climate neutral building and circular building. Within the framework of this integrated sustainability approach, we look for the appropriate techniques required for delivering a construction project to the desired standards, regardless of whether customers opt for nearly energy-neutral (BEN), zero energy or BREEAM Excellent.

Discover our full approach
on Democo Green Desk.


Full service

To Democo, building means taking a comprehensive approach from initial design to delivery. This means we deliver a building that is fully ready to go, but also that long before the first brick is laid we were already thinking along to ensure construction work can be done quicker, smarter and more sustainably. We’re thinking ahead: always aligning to our customers’ expectations and needs.

From the design phase, our specialists are focused on looking for efficient solutions that they can integrate into the construction trajectory. This way we can unburden our clients all the way from the preparation to the maintenance stages. And thanks to our regional branches, we are always nearby – which gives working together just that little extra touch of efficiency, and humanity.


Our address

Democo Hasselt

Herkenrodesingel 4b
3500 Hasselt, Belgium
T +32 11 22 45 26


Democo Antwerpen

Gentplaats 20
2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
T +32 3 844 35 40


Democo Brussels

Fernand Demetskaai 23
1070 Anderlecht, Belgium
T +32 2 333 84 00


Democo Ghent

Kortrijksesteenweg 1095A
9051 Ghent, Belgium 
T +32 9 274 24 00

Democo Poland

Ul. Sowia 6/1
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne, Poland
T +48 61 81 68 000
F +48 16 81 68 001


Democo Portugal

Rua do Mar Vermelho N.2
Escritório 1.3
1990-152 Lisboa, Portugal
T +351 211 357 026