Our CO2 Reduction Strategy for 2024 and 2025

At Democo, we remain committed to reducing our own CO2 emissions to contribute to a more sustainable future. Our goal is to achieve a 24% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 compared to 2019. This means we aim to reduce our absolute CO2 emissions from 3,477 tons per year in 2019 to 2,607 tons per year by 2025.

Current Status in 2023: Where Do We Stand?
In the past year, 2023, we managed to limit our emissions to 2,683 tons per year. This result brings us closer to our target, but there is still work to be done. To achieve our goal, we need to reduce our CO2 emissions by another 80 tons per year over the next two years.


Our Strategy for 2024 and 2025
To achieve this reduction, we will focus on two key areas in the coming years: mobility and the management of electricity consumption on our construction sites.

  • Mobility Policy: Mobility is more than just introducing electric vehicles. We aim to motivate our employees to use their cars less. By offering a mobility budget, employees can exchange their car for more sustainable forms of transport while retaining the same tax benefits.
  • Electricity on Construction Sites: Electricity consumption on our construction sites remains a significant challenge. While the electrification of our sites is necessary for the future, it has led to an increase in energy consumption. In 2024 and 2025, we will focus more on monitoring and optimizing this consumption, including implementing energy-saving measures such as automated timers and stricter management of our energy use.