Meanwhile at Democo GO! Busleyden Atheneum Zandpoort held a groundbreaking ceremony, together with mayor Somers, for the brand-new school
Building on Focus on culture, sustainability, and heritage: ambitious design highlights arts house at AC Groenplein!
Meanwhile at Democo Laying the foundation stone for the new PLOT training building on the Genk Safety Campus
Meanwhile at Ciril Historic warehouse and factory building on Ghent Kleindokkaai live on in the residential project, “Bollard”
Meanwhile at Ciril 'Le Jules' offers a green answer to population growth and a shortage of quality homes in Brussels
Meanwhile at Democo Defence's largest ever aircraft hangar opens after construction lasting barely 20 months
Meanwhile at Democo AG Real Estate, Democo and MBG are treating the Stella Artois brewery to building site water
Building on Hasselt’s Heros site expands with brand-new office building for Liantis and UNIZO Limburg.