
Democo is a construction company and general contractor offering comprehensive solutions. Together with our clients, we construct quality outcomes for any type of building project, from structural work to ready-made, from new build to renovation. We construct residential, commercial and industrial buildings and office spaces that provide added value to their surroundings and the people inside.

Door actief met klanten samen te werken van bij de start, kunnen we heel wat administratie, rompslomp en vertraging vermijden of uit handen nemen van onze klanten. Onze specialisten zorgen voor duurzame en economische oplossingen binnen het hele traject. Dankzij onze regionale vestigingen in Brussel, Antwerpen, Gent en Hasselt staan we ook letterlijk dicht bij onze klanten en onze projectteams op de werven.

Onze focus ligt op meer resultaat met minder zorgen voor de klant.

Met Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen wil Democo mee bouwen aan een beter evenwicht tussen economische, milieu- en maatschappelijke belangen. Dat betekent dat we mee zoeken en streven naar duurzame oplossingen, een kleinere ecologische voetafdruk en meer veiligheid voor onze eigen medewerkers, onderaannemers en omgeving.

Als familiebedrijf nemen onze verantwoordelijkheid vandaag – voor de generaties van morgen.

Als algemeen aannemer heeft Democo een erkenning in de hoogste klasse 8, categorie D en E. Sinds 1994 zijn we ook houder van de ISO-9001 kwaliteitsnorm en sinds 1995 het VCA** veiligheidscertificaat. Later voegden we daar nog het ISO-14001 milieucertificaat aan toe.

Graag meer weten over onze certificaten? Neem contact!


Founder Cyriel Demot

Cyriel Demot was 56 when, in 1977, he was dismissed from his role as CEO at a construction company following a dispute within management. All 800 workers, most of whom Cyriel knew by name, stood by his side and spontaneously put down their tools – to no avail.

As a father to 3 young children, Cyriel did not lose courage: he sold off his apartment by the seaside for seed capital and together with Frans Houben and Mario Longhi started his own construction company: Democo. Cyriel’s loyalty, integrity and respect for customers and workers paid off: no more than a year later, the company had a headcount of 80 employees and a considerable number of former clients had followed. In the next years, Democo continued to show rapid growth: Cyriel was a strong believer in vertical integration and was keen to work as one company as much as possible. Thanks to this approach, many construction partners became colleagues and the company gathered further expertise in the areas of finishing, technical services and project development.


Democo Group

Democo Group combines the building expertise of 7 specialized companies and 700 people to deliver added value in Construction, Contracting, Real Estate Development, Technical services and Finishing. By making ideas, materials and people come together, our aim for every construction project is to exceed our clients’ and partners’ expectations.

The Value Builders: all experts, stronger together

A empresa de construção e empreitadas geral Democo oferece soluções de alta qualidade para qualquer tipo de projeto, desde as obras estruturais até ao produto acabado, desde as novas construções até aos projetos de renovação - com os conhecimentos necessários sobre moradias comércio, edifícios de escritórios, fábricas, cuidados de saúde e infraestruturas públicas.

A Democo também tem filiais na Polónia (Democo Polónia) e em Portugal (DPCO).



Ciril, a nossa empresa responsável pelo desenvolvimento urbano, está sempre à procura de oportunidades de desenvolvimento das nossas cidades, para melhorar a forma como vivemos, trabalhamos e relaxamos. Desenvolve projetos residenciais, empresariais, comerciais e espaços para escritórios em conjunto com outras empresas, com as próprias cidades e os seus residentes. Com uma abordagem integrada de qualidade, sustentabilidade e transparência, Ciril foca-se em criar uma mais-valia para preparar as cidades de hoje para as pessoas de amanhã.

Imóveis urbanos para pessoas reais

Quatro empresas colocam todos os seus conhecimentos técnicos para planear, instalar e efetuar a manutenção de instalações técnicas personalizadas. Graças aos seus conhecimentos nos campos residencial, comercial, de escritórios, fábricas, centros de cuidados de saúde e infraestruturas públicas, estas empresas proporcionam o know how e impulsionam uma sinergia única em cada projeto.

Vandenbriele (águas e saneamento), AEW (eletricidade), AEW Security (segurança) e Demtec Services (manutenção técnica).

Deholi, a nossa empresa especialista na construção de interiores, abrange todas as fases do design de interiores, desde o aconselhamento nas etapas conceptuais até aos últimos retoques finais, em qualquer estilo escolhido. A empresa elabora projetos residenciais, comerciais, escritórios, fábricas, centros de cuidados de saúde, hotéis e infraestruturas públicas sob medida, transformando qualquer espaço numa verdadeira experiência.  

Experimente o seu espaço


Pessoas e planeta

At Democo Group, we’re building for the future of people and environment. We are aware of the great responsibility this entails and continuously invest in the growth of our employees, our techniques and our processes.

We move and evolve with the world in which we build, looking for sustainable added value in our projects – for today and tomorrow. We build and work ethically and with respect for each other, our customers, our society and our planet. Integrity and humanity are always our first priority.

With a clear strategy for sustainability, we continue to challenge ourselves and our techniques, focusing on the well-being of society and the environment, progressive personnel policies and integrity of management.



As a group of companies, we have a responsibility not only to our employees and their families, but also to the wider society.

In line with our mission “All experts, stronger together”, we also support external organizations and charities that are directly committed to people, society and the planet. Through these experts, we convert our commitment into a strong social impact.

We support selected organizations on a long-term basis with services, efforts or resources. The commitment of our employees is extremely important, as they are committed to these causes just like us. That is why we can honestly say: these organizations are Valued by Democo Group!

You can read more about it on our sponsor page.