Freedom between park & city

META & MikeViktorviktor

Capstone for Mortsel

On the old site of the Sint-Lutgardis School in Mortsel, Ciril is developing Stadsterras: a beautiful new place to live between the park and the city. Adjacent to the large ‘Oude God’ park, a green, spacious and architectural residential area is taking shape with seven buildings, each with its own design, atmosphere and character. Stadsterras thus forms the final piece of the revaluation of this popular neighbourhood.

Varied ways living

Together, the 6 new buildings and renovated Sint-Lutgardis School will provide 131 residential units, a school building and commercial spaces on the ground floor. The spacious apartments range from 1 to 3 bedrooms and have large terraces to fully enjoy the surrounding greenery. In the first phase, buildings Gefion, Mimir and Iduna are launched.

Lots of green

In Stadsterras you’ll find a home in peace, surrounded by space and greenery. The project is an extension of the existing 1.5-hectare ‘Oude God’ park, which will be connected to two new, green avenues that open onto a new neighborhood square with a playground. In total, the project adds one full hectare of new, green public space. An underground parking of 250 places also keeps the new neighborhood completely car-free and gives priority to cyclists and pedestrians.

Selling points

Stadsterras is making high-level living in a prime green location in Mortsel possible;

  • Architecture with character: both new construction and reconversion

  • In the heart of Mortsel: everything within reach

  • Spacious and quiet living: large apartments in a tranquil neighbourhood

  • Central and connected: close to public transport, the bicycle highway and highways

  • A vibrant new district: the freedom to live however you want

  • Divine greenery: a city park at your feet

Discover everything on Stadsterras and the apartments for sale on the project website!



Więcej realizacji

Ezeldijk - Diest

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Heros Business Park - Hasselt

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W browarze (znowu) jest życie!

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