DPCO Portugal

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Keen to work at Democo Poland? Or at our family of enterprises?

At Democo Group, you’ll take the future into your own hands. You’ll help construct the cities of tomorrow, building better housing for yourself and the people around you. Together we’ll develop your talent, with ambition as our driving force.

Do you like taking control of your own development and are you a hard worker? Then there is truly no limit to what you can achieve in your career with us

We are ready for you.


Interested in lifelong learning?


Democollege is Democo Group’s knowledge hub. All training, further learning and courses are collected here. Feel like updating what you know? Or keen to progress to the next level - or to score better for that upcoming performance review?

You’ve come to the right place. With a group of 8 companies and 800 employees, a whole lot is possible and a whole lot of knowledge is to be gained.


Go for it! We’ll guide you along the way.




Looking for a sporting challenge?



Are you looking for a running buddy, a gym spotter, a cycling fanatic or someone to play a game of tennis with? With DemoGO! we combine all our employee’s sporting efforts and aim to build a company that is both healthier and fitter.

You’ll get to meet plenty of extra colleagues from our sister companies and locations within Democo Group. Together we can be faster, better and stronger – and have a great time while we’re at it.




Stronger Together

We are continually building a strong business where everyone enjoys working and living. No wonder our mission statement “All experts, stronger together” has become a true source of pride for the entire team.

Together we can achieve so much more than on our own: our people have a lot to learn from each other. By creatively bringing together the knowhow of our various business units, we make a genuine difference. This enables us to grow together and stand stronger together than ever before.

At Democo, we construct something that is really concrete. Buildings that I have helped to create, will still stand strong when I am no longer here.

And in those buildings, people are living, working, or experiencing – living their life. I get a lot of energy from that.

Carl Gonnissen, Technical director

Our values
your job

Our employees are partners
to each other and to the company

We help you develop your talents
and guide you towards the highest quality

You’ll find your place with us
within a close-knit team

We deliver on our promises
and expect the same from you



A job where you can build the future – yours included.

Democo Poland

Ul. Sowia 6/1
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne, Poland
T +48 61 81 68 000
F +48 16 81 68 001