Our Environmental, Social and Governance policies
Our Environmental, Social and Governance policies
Employees of Democo Group conduct themselves with integrity and social responsibility in the context of winning and awarding contracts, within the framework of responsible business conduct.
Democo Group is committed to strict compliance with the legal requirements and generally accepted standards that apply to its business activities, as reflected in our guidelines – in particular, the rules and regulations for accounting, invoicing and fair competition – and this ESG Report. We communicate transparently and truthfully, ensure proper administration and tendering, and limit the movement of cash as much as possible. Our employees will not engage in any activity that may damage the reputation and interests of Democo Group, the business sector, or society. They should also avoid mixing business and personal interests.
When doing business, Democo Group employees make objective business decisions. Democo Group expects its employees to avoid any conflict between their interests and those of Democo Group. Business relationships with third parties will be determined solely on the basis of objective criteria. Personal relationships will never be a determining factor in awarding contracts.
Any advice or recommendation given by an employee should not be motivated by the prospect of any tangible or intangible benefit to the employee. Employees are expected to refrain from seeking, accepting, offering or granting, directly or indirectly, any personal advantage in connection with the company’s activities, in particular in connection with the negotiation, award, or execution of a contract, regardless of whether the other party to the transaction is an individual, a company or a government agency.
This prohibition applies to any substantial gift or another inducement, excluding corporate gifts that are experienced as mod-est. Reasonable business-related activities, promotional expenses and gifts are permitted, provided they are customary, not excessive, and in the general interest of Democo Group. These should also always be submitted first to a supervisor for approval.
Employees must maintain complete secrecy regarding all confidential business matters towards third parties unless this conflicts with a statutory duty of disclosure. The duty of confidentiality continues after the employment relationship has ended. Supervisors may authorise exceptions in writing.
Employees must maintain complete secrecy regarding all confidential business matters towards third parties unless this conflicts with a statutory duty of disclosure. The duty of confidentiality continues after the employment relationship has ended. Supervisors may authorise exceptions in writing.