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Whether you are looking for a reliable construction partner, a contractor who thinks along with you about how you can save both money and time, or if you would simply like to stay in the loop about Democo’s current projects, let us know! We will get in touch with you soon.

Would you like an appointment? Call 011 22 45 26 or leave your details and message via our contact form. We’ll try to help you right away or plan a follow-up meeting with you.

We’re keeping it safe and healthy for our employees - and for you.
Together we can make a difference!


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Our address

Democo Hasselt

Herkenrodesingel 4b
3500 Hasselt, België
T +32 11 22 45 26


Democo Antwerpen

Gentplaats 20
2000 Antwerpen, België
T +32 3 844 35 40


Democo Brussel

Fernand Demetskaai 23
1070 Anderlecht, België
T +32 2 333 84 00

Democo Gent

Kortrijksesteenweg 1095A
9051 Gent, België
T +32 9 274 24 00

Democo Polen

Ul. Sowia 6/1
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne, Poland
T +48 61 81 68 000
F +48 16 81 68 001


Democo Portugal

Rua do Mar Vermelho N.2
Escritório 1.3
1990-152 Lisboa, Portugal
T +351 211 357 026