Heilig Hart Church


Redevelopment of the Church Building and Adjacent Grounds


In February 2025, Ciril reached an agreement with the Church Council for the Heilig Hart Church on Krugerstraat in Hoboken, along with the adjacent grounds. A future plan for the site is currently being developed.

However, the agreement depends on obtaining the necessary permits. Only once these permits have been granted will the official deed of sale be signed.

It has already been decided that the church building will be repurposed into a residential development, with as much of the existing structure as possible being reused. A communal space will be provided, accessible to both the neighborhood and the parish. Additionally, the green park, including the healthy trees, will be preserved.

At this moment, there are no detailed plans yet. Ciril is still in discussions with the city administration, local residents, and the parish. In the future, information sessions will also be organized to involve the community.

As soon as more concrete details about this new project become available, you will read about it here.