Construction company and general contractor for any type of project, from structural work to finished product, from new build to renovation.

Democo also has a branche in Poland (Democo Poland).



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Meanwhile at Democo

Het Steen wins heritage award!

Meanwhile at Democo

International Architecture Award for Venue Building Middelkerke


Renovation of a former office building

Transforming offices into beautiful luxury apartments


Trendy apartments in Laeken

Timeless architecture with the Laurelle residential project

Positive internship

"After completing my studies and internship at Democo, I was able to start here immediately, which I thought was a very nice opportunity. I could continue to follow up the finishing phase of the construction site where I did my internship and thus conclude a complete project.

Furthermore, the social aspect of being a site supervisor really appeals to me and I feel extremely good within the Democo team. "

We verlagen niet alleen onze eigen CO₂-voetafdruk tijdens het bouwproces, maar zetten ook gebouwen neer met een minimale impact tijdens hun levensduur! Stadhuis 't Scheep in Hasselt is hier een mooi voorbeeld van. Dit project ontving een zilveren medaille op de International Property Awards in London en daarbij speelde duurzaamheid een grote rol.

Well-organised company

"Why did I choose Democo? I regularly saw them on the street, with clean, well-organised construction sites, and this appealed to me.

I haven't regretted my choice yet because I find it a well-organised company where there is also room for participation. In the meantime, I can already look back with pride on several fine achievements."

Job with a heart

"At Democo, we construct something that is really concrete. Buildings that I have helped to create, will still stand strong when I am no longer here.

And in those buildings, people are living, working, or experiencing – living their life. I get a lot of energy from that."


The Dams residence, new apartments in the heart of Antwerp

Secondary school De Dames will be redesigned and converted into a residential complex