Construction company and general contractor for any type of project, from structural work to finished product, from new build to renovation.

Democo also has a branche in Poland (Democo Poland).



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In the center of Hasselt, we used the old Belgacom site to build Bonnefant: a large-scale project with apartments, skyhouses, assistance apartments, student housing, commercial spaces and restaurants. A lively and green meeting place for the neighbourhood!

During construction, we also put the importance of the neighborrhood first: we demarcated the site with sturdy construction site fencing to keep the streetscape pedestrian-friendly and passers-by at a safe distance from the construction works!

In Diest, we built the new Beau'Garde residence in the middle of a pleasant and tidy neighbourhood. We thought it was very important to keep the neighbourhood clean during the works and were happy to hear that this was noticed by local resident Lies:

“Democo built Beau'Garde just around our corner, but from the surrounding streets you’d be hard-pressed to notice! We like living in a well-maintained neighbourhood and the streets stayed just as tidy during construction.”

Construction worker Stijn participated in the construction of Woluwe Promenade, a new residential care center in Saint-Stevens-Woluwe with 90 care rooms and a commercial space.

Meanwhile at Democo

Mayor Dedecker and Minister Peeters break ground for the new Casino Middelkerke

Building on

Building permit for Casino Middelkerke signed


Comfortable living in the city center with Hastrid

Democo is building three blocks in the Koningin Astridlaan in Hasselt with a total of 63 new apartments which were developed by Ciril.

Dienst naverkoop Democo - EN (webform)

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Dienst naverkoop Democo - EN (webform)

Filer of the complaint


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Address details of the building that the complaint relates to

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Info about the complaint

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