Happy faces at the Nieuwe Markt in Hamme

On Friday 25 June, the awards ceremony for the drawing competition 'On a Journey in Your Neighbourhood', organised by Nieuwe Markt together with the Hamme Academy, took place. 20 proud winners came to receive their prizes in the brand new chapel garden.

In the centre of Hamme, we are implementing the Nieuwe Markt project. There, we are building a new academy, a library, a market square, 70 BEN apartments, offices and commercial spaces in a new green environment plan. In order to give the arrival of the new academy more publicity, the idea was hatched to organise a drawing and painting competition for the pupils of the lower grades.
No fewer than 186 children let their creativity loose on a sheet of paper around the theme 'On a Journey in Your Neighbourhood'. We saw many beautiful works of art coming from the children's favourite places. A jury comprising teachers from the academy and aldermen from the municipality of Hamme had the difficult task of selecting the winners distributed neatly over the school years.
And the result can be seen, and all of Hamme will have been aware of that! Each winner will see their drawing on a giant canvas on the Nieuwe Markt work yard for everyone to see as they pass by. In addition, all winners also received a nice voucher from Lucas Creativ.
So we hope that the creativity will not be lost and we are happy with the new cover for our work yard fence.

Nieuwe Markt is a development by Ciril and  DBI in collaboration with gemeente Hamme, built by Juri and Democo.



Nieuwe Markt



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