Temporary repurposing for project Kleindokkaai in Gent

At Kleindokkaai in Gent, Ciril is developing a new and ambitious project featuring apartments and offices. In the meantime, the existing buildings are being temporarily repurposed.

Once again, Ciril chose Monumento as their partner. They are managing the buildings temporarily and went in search of suitable user groups who would benefit from more space for their creative endeavours.

Creative folk currently have the opportunity to make full use of the space at Kleindokkaai. It can be used for living and working.
A summary of some of the people/initiatives:

Design agency 'We Are Wilson', specialised in product and still-life photography.

Silvana Gajardo, Chilean artist and photographer.

Peruvian filmmaker Luis found a room to create his montages.

Carpenter Yann Flamand found space for his design workshop.

Various Dutch students are using rooms to prepare their end-of-year visual-arts project.

...and many more besides.





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