New school opens at be-MINE

Yesterday, on the first day after the Christmas vacations, is 'Straf! School met lef' opened in Beringen. The elementary school is located on the site of be-MINE, in the old mine buildings. 

Straf! is a fusion of schools De Horizon and Het Mozaïek. In their new building the children have a lot of space and their own library. There is also a lot of attention for learning outside, which is certainly nice in these corona times.

For example, there will be a tiny forest and the covered playground will have all the necessary benches, a board and a number of stands where the students can sit. But also the surrounding area of be-MINE lends itself to look beyond the school fence. For example, there is the Avonturenberg and Den Tris meeting center to really be able to learn outside with the children. 

Next to the new school a new childcare has been opened.

The fact that be-MINE still manages to attract people despite the strict corona measures is also proven by the successful 'light walks' organized by the tourism department and the CC during the Christmas vacations. A trail of 4 km guided the walkers past 11 beautifully lit locations in Beringen-Mijn. A great initiative where people could come out in the evening and where the mine heritage was put in the spotlight in a special way.


Pictures by Hans Put




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